

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

For This BABY, We Have Prayed

Hello friends!  I'm over the moon excited, to share with you this joyful news, that my daughter Amanda gave birth to a wee little baby boy on September 6th.  YES!  Just yesterday, we welcomed baby boy Swan into the world, via c-section. 
He's a wee little one, weighing just 2 pounds 11 ounces and 15" long, but the staff said he was "feisty".  

As you may or may not recall, my daughter Amanda had another premature baby boy, "Jackson James" back in July of 2019 and sadly, he only lived for five days.  Jackson weighed just over one pound.  Amanda has had a tough time for several years, having lost 7 pregnancies to miscarriage and two live, but premature births (including this one).  We didn't think this day would ever come, that we would have a baby this size and to the term that she was able to carry it.  She made it to 36 weeks and two days.

My heart is overflowing with thankfulness and joy, to finally join the ranks of grand-parenthood.  

And, for even more exciting news, my daughter-in-love, Allison, is also expecting a baby around December 3rd.  Two babies in one year, joining our family.  This is Allison's first pregnancy, and she is doing amazing!  

Truly, my cup runneth over.  By His Grace, and because of His Goodness, I am blessed!

Thanks for indulging me and sharing in my good news.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. I have goose bumps and tears! This is the happiest of Posts that ever were written! Congratulations to you, Nana and to your daughter and son in law and your entire family! Thoughts and Prayers had been said! I think the whole universe held you tight! He is sooooo sweet! Feisty is great! Beautiful name! He is pure JOY! And congratulations to your son and daughter in law! Bring on all of the babies! xoxo (((hugs)))

  2. Wow, that is awesome!!! Congratulations Grandma (heehee), he is a tiny one but adorably CUTE!! I am so happy for both of you and also for your DIL with her baby to come!! Prayers for continued health for all!!

  3. What wonderful news. This is the best blog post of the day. Congratulations to everyone, your lives will never be the same. Happy, happy day, Grandma!!!!

  4. That "feisty" little peanut is just absolutely ADORABLE Birgit, and I've been crying happy tears right along with you and your family! Thank you Lord for answered prayer!! I am just over the moon excited for all of you and can't wait to see and hear more about this little guy and baby #2 coming in Dec. are blessed!! Lots and lots of Hugs!! :0)

  5. Congratulations to your daughter, SIL and your entire family. What a blessing to welcome sweet Swan into the world. He is beautiful and will bring many moments of joy. Congratulations to your son and wife also on their upcoming addition to the family. Your family circle of "strength and love" is growing. "For this child I prayed and the Lord has granted the desires of my heart".

  6. OMG that is such WONDERFUL news!!! Oh yes I remember the heart ache of loosing baby Jackson ... I think of him every year when my great grandson Charlie has a birthday (he's 3 today)... I am OVERJOYED for you & the family and WOW another baby on the way too ... that is AWESOME NEWS! Hugs and Kisses to baby Swan, Amanda & of course YOU! I'm SO HAPPY to hear this news! God Bless them!!

  7. A wonderful and precious gift Birgit : one tiny baby surrounded by so much love and so many happy hearts. Congratulations and much love to you all. May he be blessed with good health, happiness, and prosperity throughout his life.

  8. Oh, Birgit, my heart is full for you and your family! Feisty Swan is going to grow into an energetic boy who will give you all a run for your money. And another one on the way! Congratulations all around!

  9. Thanks be to God, Birgit! Oh my goodness, I'm over the moon happy for you and your daughter! What a precious little blessing he is. Congratulations grandma and congratulations on the second blessing due in December! YAY!!!!!!!

  10. Oh Birgit this is such amazing news, I am so very happy for you and your daughter she has been through so much, I am so glad that she was able to have this little guy. Praise be to God!! To have another one coming by the end of the year too, double the blessings!!

  11. Oh, Birgit. I was hoping that this would be your joyful news. I am beyond happy for you. Your family has gone through so much and you deserve this so much. You are going to love being a grandma and will be an amazing one. And another baby in December. That is fantastic. Two blessings in one year. Thank you, God for this adorable little one.

  12. God is Good! I can only imagine the true joy and love filling all your hearts with this new little wee one! You are blessed! God's plan has come to fruition! Copngratulations, Grandma! (soon to be TWICE!)

  13. Doing cartwheels and singing Hallelujahs! So so happy for you and Amanda and the family too! Welcome to the hood... grandma hood that is. We're a proud bunch and love to share. Can't wait to see you in person and give you hugs! Blessings dear friend!

  14. Oh what wonderful news! Congratulations on joining the grandma club, it's an awesome place to be :-) So happy to hear your joyful news and sorry for all that you have all gone thru in the past. I had no idea. Blessings to this little guy and to the baby that is coming in December. God Bless you and your family! Big hugs ~ Lena

  15. Oh gosh what wonderful news! I am so happy for you and your family! I am glad your wee boy Swan is well and hope it helps heals your daughters broken heart. I can't imagine how hard that was for her and know she will never ever forget. Beautiful post for a very joyous occasion! Hugs and love to you and your family!


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