

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Garden Cart ~ ScrapbookPal

Share the gift of love with your favorite gardener.  Did you know that the month of April is declared  National Garden Month? But May and June are just a few steps away, with Mother’s Day and Father’s day on the horizon. 

I’m revisiting one of my favorite Spellbinders collections, “Add To Cart” for ScrapbookPal

Choose from the Add To Cart “Right Facing” or “Left Facing” and then fill your cart with your favorite gardening items using dies from “In The Garden”, “Plant It Here” or “Shopping Run”.

I don't know about you, but a shopping cart filled with things like this just makes me happy!  I enjoy being outside working in the yard and flower gardens, and visiting my favorite garden spots in the spring brings joy to my soul.

My love of gardening was passed down from my dad, who's mother, my grandmother, passed it down to him.  I have vivid memories of both of them tending to their beautifully landscaped yards.  My gardening skills don't hold a candle to their skilled hands, but I enjoy the process and the peace and solitude of being outside working in God's beautiful creation.

I had a few leftovers, so they found their way to another card.  No sentiment, just CAS.

I hope you enjoyed today's cards.  You can find all the products I used at ScrapbookPal.

Entire Spellbinders Add To Cart Collection
Add To Cart - Right Facing
In The Garden
Plant It Here
Shopping Run

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Oh Happy Day, indeed! Penny and I are heading to the local nursery tomorrow and buying everything lol I love all of the sweet little details on this FAB creation! Everything you need to have! The CAS one is great too! How's that sweet little baby doing?

  2. You picked the perfect colors for each little element, Birgit! These are both so wonderful! I have plants coming from Sweet P's school fundraiser next week. Can't wait to get them potted!

  3. Looks like a fun filled day spent at a favorite Garden shop, Birgit - and really wonderful!

  4. I just LOVE this card Birgit!! I have the shopping cart die but not all the gardening dies...hmmmmmmm. Do I need to go shopping? You've arranged everything perfectly in and outside of the cart and it all looks so pretty and perfect! I love flowers but never got the love of playing in the dirt like you, so I buy a few pots and baskets and call it good and hope I remember to water them! (I do better with flowers on cards...that way I don't kill them!!) But anyway, your card is wonderful and the 2nd CAS one with the leftovers too! Hugs. :0)

  5. I agree that looks like a lot of goodies in that cart, I too enjoy to get out in the yard. I love the detail in the tools and cart. Great card you did with your leftovers too, I do like that brick background with it!

  6. Very pretty card with those stunning colours, what a great design x


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