Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Flower Shop Easel Card ~ Poppystamps

I've got this fun easel card over at the Poppystamps blog

 Come see how it all came together.  

Thanks for stopping by!


I Card Everyone said...

Looks like just the place I love to shop, Birgit! SO pretty and very fun!

Leslie Miller said...

Oh, my, this is so incredibly cute, Birgit! I'll head over and take a closer look. Thanks!

Lisa Elton said...

A girl after my own heart! This is fantastic, Birgit!

Donna Phelan said...

This is fantastic! You should open up your own pretty little shop! Love that it is an easel card and it can be displayed! Fabulous!

Lena said...

Oh, this is absolutely lovely. What a fun card and beautiful card. The recipient is going to love and treasure it!
Have a wonderful day.

Conniecrafter said...

Great store front, love all the vases and pots full of plants and flowers, neat to turn it into an easel!