Good morning friends~ Last month marked Marcia's and my one year anniversary of challenging each other each month to get creative in a new way. Our dear friend Patti from Stationery Styles said she wanted to join us and we couldn't be happier!!
This month we chose to challenge each other to use PTI's Tiny Town series and / or Petite Places to create 3-D projects. This post is kind of picture heavy so forgive me ahead of time and I hope you'll bare with me til the end.
House #1 ~ Bird House.
You'll notice that my creations got more detailed as I went along. The ideas of using different dies just kept popping into my head.
House #2 ~ Spooky Candy Shoppe
I'm a big fan of Putz houses but I don't own any, I just hoard save them on Pinterest. I started thinking that maybe I could make a platform and create little scenes, like the Putz houses that I so enjoy.
It's a super simple base. I just cut a square of chip board to the size I wanted and added an inch so I could score the sides at 1/2" each. I then cut a little wedge out of the corner tab so it would fold in better and secured each tab with Glossy Accents. Any strong adhesive will work.
I added a Spooky Tree from Cheery Lynn, cutting it twice from black card stock and gluing them back to back, except for the roots, which I scored and folded out to secure it to the base.
House #3 ~ Ice House

I made the base of this house a little bigger, giving me more room for more stuff.
The large snowflake at the top was made by cutting 4 of the snowflakes from PTI out of shimmery blue card stock (the same on the windows and door) and scoring them down the center and gluing them together, with a small strip of card stock at the base, to make a four faceted snowflake. I then cut a slit through the top of the roof and slid the strip of card stock through the slot and glued it heavily before assembling the house.
House #4 ~ Gingerbread House
See what I mean when I said the houses got more detailed as I went along? Lots of dies were used on this one.
The fence is from MFT and after cutting 5 of them, I scored the bottom of each section at about 1/4" to bring the scale down and give me a place to add glue to adhere it to the base. I added more cut and stamped little candies from Candy Cane Christmas.
Finally, I have a going back to school gift set that I sent to all my little great nieces and nephew.
This little school house is so charming! Betsy thinks of every detail.
I found these fun colored blank books, pencils and erasers in the dollar section at Target. I tucked some cute stickers inside the books and made a pencil wrap to neaten this all up. Small treats will go inside the school house treat box.
These were already sent to my great littles and they all enjoyed getting some "Happy Mail" from their Auntie Birgit. <3
That's it for me today! If you stuck with me til the end, thanks!
Be sure to hop on over to Marcia and Patti's blogs to see their beautiful creations!! I know they'll just blow your mind with their projects!!
Thanks so much for stopping by! Blessings~ Birgit